
I develop a lot of software professionally and in my free time! Here is a break down of the tools I usually use, and the tools I occasionally use too!

My ideal web tech stack

  • Python Backend (Flask, SQLAlchemy, Gunicorn)
  • Relational Database (MariaDB)
  • Running in a container (Docker)
  • Running on Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Single-Page App Frontend (Vue.js)
  • Deployed with a Pipeline (GitHub Actions)


  • Python (Expert)
  • C# (Intermediate)
  • Java (Intermediate)
  • Typescript (Intermediate)
  • Rust (Beginner)
  • Go (Beginner)

Databases, etc.

  • MySQL/MariaDB (Expert)
  • PostgreSQL (Expert)
  • MongoDB (Intermediate)
  • Redis (Intermediate)
  • Microsoft SQL (Intermediate)
  • ElasticSearch (Beginner)

DevOps Tools

  • GitHub, Git hub Actions (Expert)
  • Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Pipelines (Expert)
  • Gitlab (Intermediate)
  • Travis.CI (Intermediate)

Containers and Virtualization

  • Docker (Expert)
  • Kubernetes (Beginner)
  • Vagrant (Beginner)
  • Rancher (Beginner)

Front-end Tools

  • Vue.js (Expert)
  • React.js (Intermediate)
  • HTMX (Intermediate)
  • Angular (Intermediate)
  • SASS/SCSS (Intermediate)

Operating Systems

  • Linux (Expert)
    • Ubuntu (Expert)
    • Alpine (Expert)
    • Arch (Intermediate)
    • RHEL (Beginner)
  • macOS (Expert)
  • Windows (Expert)

Python Libraries

  • Flask (Expert)
  • SQLAlchemy (Expert)
  • Django (Intermediate)
  • FastAPI (Intermediate)

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